Personal Progress Goals

    Personal Progress Goals
3 - lesson in FHE or YW on faith
7 - Pay tithing for 3 months
Individual Worth
2-Prepare to receive Patriarchial Blessing
5,8,9 - YW Christmas song in church, youth conference or Stake conference choir, Camp Song in church
4-Give a Talk
7-Camp/emergency supplies PLUS give FHE lesson & make home emergency list
Choice & Accountability
8,9-Clean Chapel
Good Works
3 - Blessing bags, Eagle Scout projects, Food Bank w/ RS, Youth Conference,
Homeless Shelter/Make snack bags
4 -Teach a FHE or YW lesson on Service
6 - Feed my Starving Children, Youth Conference Service Project, Babysitting, baptisms for the dead
7 - Invite a friend to a church activity
8, 9 - Trunk or treat help, Clean chapel w/ family, any service for school club
3-Prepare to enter temple (get temple recommend for Baptisms) and
10 hour projects - Girl’s Camp, Trek, Ward Choir, Youth Conference,
Watching conference/Women’s broadcast and keep a journal with impressions